Alright, so I was given a great suggestion by a friend of mine, CFWM33.
He proposed that because enough people seemed to enjoy my track " Work in Progress" and that there was a very high likelihood that it would never get finished ( Which it probably wont), that I should put the FLP up here and run a contest to see who can come up with the best ending / full on remix of the track :)
So I'm going to do just that! :D
Below will be a link to the Zipped Loop package of the FLP with the samples you will need.
You WILL need ZETA+ to do this. I also used RA but was able to manage resampling the strings sections and putting them in as wav files.
SO what is the point of this you ask ?
Well first off It's something to do, so if you're feeling uninspired lately you've got something to do. Secondly The winner is going to have their song promoted through my news page. And if enough attention happens to come across this, there might even be a cash prize involved. Or maybe some NG store credit.
There will be only one judge, me. Unless of course I get stuck between 2 or more tracks that I just can't decide, I'll go to a public vote.
Post your remix's/Finished track links up on newgrounds and make sure you credit the original song and post in the comment that it's for the Work In Progress contest.
I'm trying to refrain from posting this up on the BBS because we all know how much we hate silly non legit contest spams. ( i'm basically asking you to remix my song)
BUT if there just isn't enough attention on this news post then I'll probably end up making a post. So that we can get some actual competition going on :D
I have no idea if this zipped loop package is going to work correctly so cross your fingers!
The cut off date is March 9th! :D So get your submissions in as soon as possible :)
<<ORIGINAL TRACK>> /295256
<< FLP .ZIP File.>>
Now complete with 25 dollar cash prize! :D
I would like to do so, but I'm stuck with reason 4.0, instead of Fl8 :C
Anyway I could get a midi file? (I sound nubby) - No pun intended.
dopwnload that FLstudio mang :D